Quick-response returns
We know that high return rates are a real headache for E-commerce businesses, especially when customers buy multiple items with the intention of sending several back, but there are ways that you can make life a great deal easier – and lower your operating costs.

A lot depends on how well your systems are connected. When an item comes back, is the sales record easily accessible? Are your warehouse management system and ERP integrated and able to action refunds as soon as goods are checked and Okayed? Refunding your customers quickly builds brand loyalty.
With returns it’s all about having a slick process flow, backed up by intelligent and well integrated IT. And cleverly applied automation can make a big difference too.
Re-selling your returned goods as quickly as possible helps profits. That means making the items sales-ready by repackaging, relabeling, returning-to-stock and updating inventory records as fast as possible. The faster your goods are processed, the greater your opportunity to make sales at full margin – all helping you to boost revenue and protect your bottom line.
There are many new technologies from a wide range of manufacturers that we can help you to deploy:
- Auto-bagging and auto-boxing machines for faster, more efficient re-packaging of returned items.
- RFID technology removes the need for manual scanning and allows easy tracking and tracing of your goods, with all information immediately available to your staff on-demand.
- Pouch sorters offer a fast and efficient means of automatically buffering your popular returned items in the despatch area, ready for immediate call-off, cutting out time wasted on returning your goods to distant stock locations.
- Autonomous Mobile Robots can bring significant operational gains by automatically storing repackaged returns and then retrieving them for re-sale. Such systems are highly flexible, offering you a low-CapEx solution that can be scaled up to meet business needs as they arise.
- Automated Conveyor Systems set up for zone picking operations can also be successfully used to return your goods to stock.
Processing your returns quickly and efficiently helps keep your customers happy and increases the potential for maximising sales at full margin.